Tuesday 5 January 2016

10 Great Ways To Increase Your Mobile App Marketing With Social Media

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Long days and nights are behind you and your development team for creating an app that you hope will be a smash hit on the Apple App and Google Play store. Your app is all set to launch and want to create a huge demand and drive more and more people to download it. But, it is not easy to make your app stand out from more than 1.5 million others available for users to choose and download from. You can use paid advertising to drive more demand, but it requires significant financial resources.

Now, you are thinking What are the other cost-effective ways to market your app successfully? There are a lot of ways, but social media is the best way to make apps more successful and to drive up more demand. For this, you need to keep the following points in mind.

1. Plan Ahead

The most vital part of your app marketing with social media is Planning. Ask yourself some important questions to start building out your plan, including:

What Content Do I Want My Potential Audience To See And Read?
Which Social Network Channel (Facebook, Twitter, Etc.) Will Be Appropriate For This Content?
Answer such questions with your audience preferences and profile in mind. Remember, knowing that “Who target audience”, “What social sites they like to hang out in” will help you make the best decisions with your social media marketing.

2. Create Value Based And User Generated Content

First, you need to produce unique, informative and high quality content in planning and making your Social Media campaign to bring visibility to your app. Develop content that is engrossing in order to keep your target audience engaged. For example, if you are marketing your cooking app, then write posts on tips from the best chefs, some of the best recipes out of India, etc.

Apart from this, creating cool videos that describe your app can promote your app in a great way. Make videos funny, quirky and promote it via the most popular social channels such as Facebook, Twitter as well as in You Tube.

3. Humanize Your Content With Social Media

Users of social channels will respond more favorably to updates that are human in tone instead of tailored marketing approach. Keep in mind this is really most vital factor that translates to all masses is the passion of the developer for the app. Also, ask for feedback as it will allow your future loops and apps to reap the advantages and improve your existing successes. Also, engage in Conversation with users, acknowledge mistakes, surprise users with new features, etc.

4. Reward Users For Downloading Your App

If you really want your app to take off, then reward users. You can use a lot of different methods for motivating users to refer the app to their friends, relatives or colleagues. This is not only a great way to increase your app downloads, but your app referral scheme can help you to monitor your user experience and track how more downloads is being generated.

5. Google+

There are plenty of advantages using Google plus for marketing your app, and one of those is the built-in power that will move up your app in organic search results. Using hashtags on Google+ is like using them on Instagram and Twitter that is # and then type in your one word hashtag. But, what sets Google+ hashtag creation apart from another? The ability to auto-create hashtags. Additionally, use Hashtags to optimize your SEO power, but don’t overdo it as Google doesn’t take account over-stuffing keywords in hashtags and in content.

6. Twitter

Millions of users across the world access Twitter every day, and about 85% of them do so from their mobile device. Also, Mobile app marketing enables you to target these users to drive app installs as well as engagements at scale. In addition, Twitter lets you to reach influencers by remarking them in your tweets. A new feature that was released last year enables you to use content marketing and “Twitter Cards” to increase the visibility of your app, as a result increasing downloads.

7. Facebook

With millions of users, Facebook is the best social media channel today to promote your app. It is advised to set up a Facebook page for your app as it will provide you a presence in the social media world, which is a great way to gain credibility, create a buzz or gain feedback about your app. Ensure you have lots of detail within the page about your app, also use screen-shots along with a call to action within the header image will surely help to make your business app visible. Also, join groups and promote your app in them and make your own Facebook group and invite people to join there.

8. Encourage Users To Share Your App Content

In order that users can share your content on Twitter, Facebook, you need to encourage them by creating good informative content. Highlight key features of your in the content with how it can help you. Also, chat with people and tell them why you have developed this app and its benefits.

9. Instagram

If you like to get your app seen and downloaded by more and more people, then Instagram is your magic spell. There are over 80 million active users on Instagram. So, having a presence regarding your app there is something you must look into as well as see what you can do to follow the success with your business app. Also, talk about the people who will download and use your app, plus show videos and images.

10. Images Are Worth A Thousand Words

A picture /image tells a large amount of descriptive text. Using photos is a really a great way to make a post regarding your app stand out from the crowd. Post general “Download the App” like messages with screenshots of the app of early users using it. Apart from pictures, another great that works well is to do a countdown to your app’s release in the app stores. They post a new message about a feature of the app or a tip for using it every day as well as add a relevant app picture to go with that post.


As there are a lot of social media channels that help you in marketing or promoting your business app. If you follow these 10 tips mentioned above, then you’ll be well on your way to increasing downloads.

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