Monday 24 August 2015

Ranking the Effectiveness of Facebook Campaigns
Analyzing Four Different Facebook App Marketing Strategies
When looking to reach specific audiences and/or acquire loyal app users, more mobile marketers promote on Facebook than on any other network. And naturally, with so much competition, differing strategies for reaching potential users have emerged. The problem is, not all of them are created equal.
Ordered from least to most effective, the following list examines the pros and cons of four popular Facebook marketing strategies.
Tier 4: Just the basics  
As simple as you can get, broad demographic campaigns are basic campaigns targeted at a certain demographic group, for instance, 18-25-year-old males living in the Northeast. Not entirely sophisticated and altogether inefficient, these campaigns don’t last long, tending to get phased out or scaled down in favor of more robust and targeted strategies.
Tier 3:  Behavioral and contextual added in
Tier 3 campaigns consist of three different types: static lookalike campaigns, interest/behavior campaign, and targeted demographic campaigns. 
Static lookalike campaigns target Facebook users that share similar characteristics to your current users/audience (provided from email or client lists) in order to build a more robust and widespread potential audience. However, the list of users off which the lookalikes are based does not update, translating into poorer performance when saturation sets in.
Interest and behavior campaigns are born from Facebook’s Power Editor, allowing marketers to find interests and behaviors relevant to a client’s app.  Tools such as Fiksu’s proprietary internal tool, Facebook Interest Explorer, can drill deeper, resulting in more robust—and accurate—behavior and interest profiles. Campaigns are built on targeting these discovered interests and behavoirs.
Finally, targeted demographic campaigns are the next step up from simple broad demographic campaigns, in which the lessons learned from a broad demographic campaign are used to zero-in on the best performing demographics while eliminating those that did not convert well.
 Tier 2:  Getting dynamic and re-engaging
Now we're starting to get to real performance. Tier 2 consists of dynamic lookalike campaigns,  true A/B testing,  reengagement campaigns, and third-party data campaigns.
 Unlike static lookalike campaigns, dynamic lookalike campaigns use constantly-updated audiences, like those built using Fiksu’s Mobile Audience Platform.  A wide variety of time-based parameters can be used in dynamic campaigns, such as users who have opened five times or more in the last 14 days, or users who made a purchase in the last 30 days, creating more targeted lookalike audiences and better Facebook results.  Best of all, saturation isn’t an issue, as dynamic lookalike campaigns are perpetually updating and improving.
Second, because Fiksu has the vast majority of Facebook users mapped to device IDs, true A/B testing campaigns can divide Facebook users into as many as 10 random segments and run different creatives and campaigns side-by-side on each of them to gain an understanding of the most effective targeting strategies for a particular advertiser.  
Tier 2 also includes Reengagement campaigns. By building audiences of users who have either lapsed or are engaged but haven;t performed key actions like registering or making a purchase, you can target those groups with extremely specific messaging. Effective re-engagement campaigns use dedicated creatives with targeted calls-to-action and ads with deep links to specific pages in the app to drive desired behaviors. After all, it’s cheaper to retain a customer than find a new one.
Tier 1: Personas and pixels
Generally, tier one campaigns fall into one of two categories: persona or pixel.
Persona campaigns use segments built from people who download or engage with specific types of apps. Persona campaigns tend to be the best performing campaigns, routinely outperforming third-party data based segments. Lookalikes can also be built off of our persona segments and we have seen great performance there as well, particularly in terms of loyalty.
Pixel campaigns (also known as Web to App or cross-device campaigns), work by adding a pixel to the advertiser's website. Visitors to the desktop website can then be retargeted on mobile.
While Facebook offers numerous ways to succeed, the more data and targeting you take advantage of, the better your results will be.

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